Dividr 2.0
About Us
Dividr 2.0 BETA
Step 1
How this works
Step 1: Your Email
Step 2 : TestFlight
We need your email address to be able to register you for the BETA. We can only register up to 500 iTunes accounts.
TestFlight is a free app Apple makes to allow developers to BETA test their apps before they enter the app store. You will need to download this app to be able to download our BETA.
Step 3 : Sign In
Step 4 : Play Dividr
Once downloaded, enter your iTunes Email and Password into the TestFlight app. Once inside, you will be able to download our BETA inside TestFlight as soon as we add your email from the form above.
The cool part about TestFlight is that every time we update our code it updates your BETA version of Dividr as well. This way as you guys find our nasty little bugs we can smash them with a massive hammer. No seriously, its huuuuuuge.
Email: contact@hyperjumplabs.com
Address: 1 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester, NY 14623